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GNU Octave

I am a big fan of FOSS (free open source software), for a number of reasons which I might get round to writing about. A few years ago I needed to choose a serious high-level programming language (my brain being too middle-aged by now to cope with learning more than one such language) and I alighted on GNU Octave, which is a lot like Matlab but free. As well as very specific programs to solve particular problems that are unlikely to be of much interest to anyone else, I also occasionally write general utility programs. I will share some of these in case they are useful to anyone else.

GNU octave scripts are plain text files but I can’t upload such files to WordPress, so I have converted them to .odt format. To use these scripts, you will need to resave them as plain text and change the file extension to .m

These two scripts, which I wrote ages ago and which Zuzanna Swirad helped me to tidy up, are for converting between geographical (latitude-longitude) and transverse mercator coordinates.



These scripts are for performing Molodensky transformations between different geodetic datums.



This script performs a two-dimensional linear regression fit. It is intended to find the optimum linear transformation (rotation, scale, offset) that will match one image to another, or a map to a particular projection, etc. I mostly use it for manually georeferencing scanned paper maps.
